Artist Yuliya Lanina is Resident at The Foundry

The Fine Arts Library and the College of Fine Arts (COFA) welcome Yuliya Lanina as the fall’s artist-in-residence at the Foundry in the Fine Arts Library.

During November 6-10, Lanina will visit with classes in the college, work in the Foundry and conclude the week with a presentation about her work on the “Herstory” project, on Friday 10th February at 3 pm in the Fine Arts Library.

Library of Congress Archivist Shares Dance Preservation Techniques and Expertise

Event: “Achiving Dance” Workshop with Libby Smigel (Library of Congress). This event is free and open to the public.

When: 1-3 p.m. Monday, November 13, 2017.

Where: Fine Arts Library (DFA 3.200) at The University of Texas at Austin.

Background: The Fine Arts Library presents a workshop with a Library of Congress archivist focusing on the preservation of performing arts, specifically dance.

Libraries Host Re-Think It Conference on the Future of Libraries

The University of Texas Libraries begin the new year looking forward with a gathering of experts and advocates to consider the future of libraries.

Re-think it: Libraries for a New Age” is a national conference that brings together academic, public and K-12 librarians, administrators, technologists, architects, designers, furniture manufacturers and educators to collectively re-think the increasingly important role libraries play in the communities they serve.

Website Gets Full Launch

It’s official.

The Libraries has completed a full launch of a new website, the first significant refresh in over a decade. And because this is a big change to the way the website looks, feels and navigates, there will likely be occasional issues that we’ll need your help to fix, so please assist us by sending submitting feedback.

Up All Night: Relaciones Geográficas Take a Road Trip

A librarian and two truckers are on a mission. They will travel for 27 hours, through four states, and at least one of them won’t get much sleep. Their journey involves high-security cargo, a climate-controlled 18-wheeler, and some rare documents from the 16th century. There will be truck stop food, photos with Snapchat filters to document the trip, and, by the end, an invitation to a wedding.

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