Libraries Deploying Digital Asset Management System

Staff who create and manage digital resources at the University of Texas Libraries will now be able to more effectively preserve and provide access to these collections thanks to the introduction of a new digital asset management system (DAMS). Digital files along with descriptive metadata are being added to the system, many of which will be made publicly accessible through a web portal.

New Library Search Tools Coming in January 2020

The University of Texas Libraries announces the launch of new library search tools coming in January 2020. 

The new tools – designed specifically for use in libraries – will replace the Libraries’ current resource management system with a more robust option that will improve functionality for users while streamlining underlying management processes to provide a highly integrated solution for resource discovery.

2019 Graduates Make Tribute Gift to the Libraries

This year’s graduates showed some real class.

The 2019 graduating seniors earmarked their senior class gift for the Libraries Tomorrow Fund, which provides additional monies for the University of Texas Libraries.

Students were encouraged by their peer leaders at the Texas Student Foundation to donate a gift in the amount of $20.19 for the class gift through the university’s crowdfunding platform, Hornraiser. To date, the gift has raised over $34,000 from more than 850 students and library supporters.

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