Libraries Announce New Open Access Initiatives

The University of Texas at Austin supports a variety of open access (OA) memberships, initiatives and infrastructure with the goal of creating a more sustainable publishing ecosystem for community stakeholders. That support sometimes provides direct benefits to our authors like discounts on article processing charges (APCs), fully paid APCs and free OA publishing through other means.

The University of Texas Libraries announces its participation in several new open access initiatives.

Libraries Offer Resources for New Data/Sharing Requirements

A new directive from the National Institutes for Health (NIH) strengthens data management and sharing for the results of research funded by the organization.

All researchers, regardless of funding level, seeking grants from the NIH will now be required to follow the new guidelines laid out in the NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) policy, which went into effect on January 25, 2023.

Curating a History of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority at UT

The honorable Delta Xi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. was the first Black Greek-letter organization to be established at The University of Texas at Austin. Sworn in on May 16, 1959, at high noon in the Queen Anne Room, this particular group of women is dripping in legacy, poignant programs, community service, and rich history. As an archivist-in-training, with the unique opportunity to not only archive an oral history but curate it from scratch, I see it as my duty to extract the essence and diversity of these highly valuable experiences among the Delta Xi women.

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