We love data! ❤️ Celebrate International Love Data Week 2025 with UT Libraries and our Data and Donuts workshops!
Never have plot envy again! This hands-on, hybrid workshop will demystify the fundamentals of using the ggplot2 package in R and will supercharge your plots with statistical data. You will get the most out of this workshop if you already know R basics (e.g., how to define a variable and how to specify input parameters to a function), but otherwise assumes no knowledge of coding in R or building plots in ggplot2.
Oh, and did we mention free donuts? 🍩 See you then!
Presenter: Jessica Alexander
Location: Perry-Castañeda Library Scholars Lab, Data Lab (PCL 2.202) or Zoom
Registration: https://utexas.zoom.us/meeting/register/qs04lvrkRzy7jIOzKynIHg
About International Love Data Week
Love Data Week is an international celebration of data, taking place every year during the week of Valentine’s Day. Universities, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, corporations and individuals are encouraged to host and participate in data-related events and activities.