UT Libraries provides research help in-person at service desks, by phone, and online through IM/chat and email. Service is provided on a first-come-first-served basis. Priority is given to members of the UT community and researchers using Libraries' resources. Library staff will assist library users in the location, use and understanding of information resources, including answering directional questions and providing instruction in the use of the Libraries and its resources. Our goal is to empower users to become independent researchers.
Library staff will:
- Assist users in locating information
- Offer help in clarifying research needs, developing good search strategies and finding and evaluating information
- Refer users to subject specialists for in-depth and specialized assistance
- Refer users to other libraries or agencies when appropriate
- Offer in-depth research consultations by appointment
- Uphold the University’s Code of Conduct and expect library users to do so as well
Library staff cannot:
- Perform sustained research
- Confirm visits or use of the Libraries
- Proctor exams
- Answer medical or legal questions
- Perform genealogical research
- Appraise the value of books or other objects
- Format, edit or proofread citations for bibliographies
- Conduct individualized research consultations for entire courses