Courtesy Borrower Policy

Individuals who are Texas residents and members of one of the following groups are eligible to apply for a University of Texas Libraries Courtesy Borrower Card.

Texas Residents

  • Texas residents over the age of 18, who are not affiliated with institutions offering reciprocal borrowing privileges may, upon showing a current government-issued photo ID and a secondary proof of address, pay a $55 annual fee at Courtesy Borrower Services to obtain borrowing privileges at the University of Texas Libraries.

Reciprocal Borrowing Programs

The University of Texas Libraries participates in a number of reciprocal borrowing programs, which entitle visitors from other participating libraries to checkout privileges. To obtain a borrowing card for UT Libraries, visiting borrowers must present a current government-issued photo ID, a secondary proof of address and appropriate credentials issued by their home library. No fee is charged for borrower cards obtained through these programs. Borrowers must be at least 18 years old.

TexShare Library Card Program

Texas Exes​​

  • Current members of theUniversity of Texas Alumni Associationmust present verification of membership, a current government-issued photo ID and a secondary proof of address at Courtesy Borrower Services to receive a complimentary borrower card. Applicants must show proof of current membership. Renewal of Texas Exes membership does not automatically renew Courtesy Borrowing privileges; patrons must still present proof of membership and other required credentials at the Courtesy Borrower Services desk.

Expiration dates for Courtesy Borrower cards issued to members of the Texas Exes are based on the Texas Exes membership level:

  • Annual and Four-Year paid Membership: Courtesy Borrower card expire on the same date as membership.
  • Associate Life Membership: Courtesy Borrower card will expire six months from date of issuance.
  • Fully paid Life Membership: Courtesy Borrower card will expire five years from date of issuance.
  • Spouses and Domestic Partners of University of Texas at Austin Faculty and Staff
  • Spouses and domestic partners of permanent faculty, professional staff, classified staff and official retirees may obtain Courtesy Borrower cards free of charge at Courtesy Borrower Services. These cards are made according to the following policies and procedures:
  • The staff or faculty member whose spouse or domestic partner requests a card must be appointed full time or an official retiree.
  • The spouse or domestic partner must show a photo ID and provide documentation that they reside at the same address as the staff or faculty member. For example, the spouse or partner's Texas driver's license or Texas state ID should show the same address as the faculty/staff member on an official document i.e. a bank statement, insurance card, lease, etc. For questions about providing this documentation, contact Courtesy Borrower Services.
  • Cards are valid until the ending date of the staff or faculty member's appointment, normally August 31 of each year.

Blanton Museum Director's Circle Members

  • Current members of the Blanton Museum at the Founding, Contributor, and Patron levels are eligible for a complimentary Courtesy Borrower Card upon presentation proof of membership, a current government-issued photo ID and a secondary proof of address at Courtesy Borrower Services.

The Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program

  • The Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program is a program sponsored by the Association of Research Libraries/OCLC Research Libraries Advisory Committee and provides access to many of the major research libraries in the United States and Canada. RFBP is for faculty only.  Faculty members must present a current government-issued photo ID, a current RFBP card or a letter from their home library confirming the individual’s eligibility through a specified end date, and a secondary proof of address at Courtesy Borrower Services.  

Research Library Cooperative Program (RLCP)

  • The Research Library Cooperative Program (RLCP) is a resource sharing program among the University of Texas at Austin, the University of California Berkeley and Stanford University. RLCP provides onsite and remote borrowing privileges to current faculty, professional/academic staff and graduate students of the participating institutions.  Applicants must present a current government-issued photo ID and a secondary proof of address at Courtesy Borrower Services. A Courtesy Borrower Card will be issued upon verification of eligibility with Stanford or the University of California Berkeley.

Corporate Borrowers

  • Corporations and organizations may pay a $400 annual fee to obtain five borrower cards for use by their authorized employees. The organization assumes responsibility for prompt response to notices and billings and assigns a contact person to communicate with Courtesy Borrower Services and oversee use of the cards.  This is not a walk-in service. Contact Courtesy Borrower Services for more information or to arrange setting up or renewing an account. 

Applying for a Courtesy Borrower Card:

Texas residents who meet the eligibility requirements may apply for a Courtesy Borrower card at the Perry-Castañeda Library Courtesy Borrower Services desk during posted hours.

  • When applying for a Courtesy Borrower Card, applicants must present a current government-issued photo ID.
  • In addition, applicants must provide a second item showing proof of address. Acceptable forms of proof of address are:
    • Current utility bill.
    • Current lease or official rent receipt.
    • Proof of homeowner/rental or vehicle insurance.
    • Voter Regristration Card.
    • Current bank or credit card statement (statement only, no checks).

Courtesy Borrowers may:

  • Use their Courtesy Borrower Card to check out materials at all University of Texas Libraries, with the exception of the Law Library. Note: The Law Library will honor TexShare cards.
  • Check out up to 100 items. Most books will receive a 28-day loan period; other items may vary.
  • Renew most items up to 12 times, as long as their card is valid and no one has placed a request on the item.
  • Return most library items to any of the UT Libraries branches or external book drops. Please note restrictions posted on outside book drops.

Using their UT EID, Courtesy Borrowers may:

  • Access their account and renew most items online.
  • Recall items checked out to other borrowers.
  • Request that eligible items be held using Pick It Up. (Note: this is not a rush service.)
  • Log into most Library computers one time per day for up to one hour. Some computers are restricted to University of Texas at Austin students, faculty and staff.
  • Access most electronic resources from Library computers. A few electronic resources are restricted to University of Texas at Austin students, faculty and staff.
  • Pay fines online through the What I Owe page. Otherwise, pay fines with cash or check in person at Courtesy Borrower Services.

Courtesy Borrowers are responsible for:

  • Informing Borrower Services of any address changes.
  • Informing Borrower Services if the Courtesy Borrower Card is lost.
  • Being aware of their due dates. Due dates may be subject to change.
  • Watching for library notices (sent via email).
  • Keeping their EID and password confidential.

Courtesy Borrowers may NOT:

  • Borrow books through Interlibrary Services.
  • Access electronic resources remotely; though Texas Exes members can access three alumni databases through the Texas Exes.
  • Access the campus wireless network, or access the university network via Ethernet.
  • Log in to non-library computers on campus, e.g., in campus computer labs.
  • Check out equipment.
  • Renew library materials via telephone or email.
  • Renew Courtesy Borrower cards online.
  • Pay library charges via telephone or email.
  • Enter/remain in campus libraries outside of the hours posted for the general public.
August 2018