![logo for stories campaign, "Share Your Story" with book graphic and Texas Libraries logo](/sites/default/files/2023-02/utl-impact-stories-share-vert.jpeg)
Even with over 10 million books, the University of Texas Libraries are looking for some new stories.
The Libraries have launched the “Libraries Because” campaign to encourage users to be part of the cause of libraries by submitting their personal stories of how they’ve been impacted by experiences at libraries on the campus of The University of Texas at Austin. The goal of the effort is to generate compelling testimonials from library patrons that show the value of the Libraries on the Forty Acres and can be used for encouraging support and funding for strategic purposes.
The Libraries’ social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) are using the hashtags #LibrariesBecause, #LoveUTLibraries and #lovemylibrary to spread the campaign to members of the university community and beyond.
Please help us spread the word about this effort and share your story at the campaign landing page: https://mailchi.mp/lib.utexas.edu/librariesbecause
The “Libraries Because” campaign will run throughout the spring 2020 semester.