Workshop @PCL Data and Donuts: Managing Data: A Guide to Good Practice
Friday, January 19, 3-4:30 p.m.
Learning Lab 1, Perry-Castañeda Library
In this 1.5-hour workshop, you will get a general introduction to core data management concepts, practical tips for things like backups and file formats, and a wealth of information about tools and resources available to UT faculty, staff, and students.
Workshop @PCL Data and Donuts: Designing Surveys with Qualtrics
Friday, January 26, 3-4:30 p.m.
Learning Lab 1, Perry-Castañeda Library
Learn how to use Qualtrics, a powerful survey tool available to UT faculty, staff, and students, to administer surveys
Print Futures
Sunday, January 28, 1-3 p.m.
The Foundry, Fine Arts Library
In this panel, four artist-practitioners discuss the way technology is utilized in their personal practice and/or at their affiliated institutions.
Anti-Mexican American Violence under the Digital Lens
Wednesday, January 31, Noon-1:30 p.m.
Benson Latin American Collection
The LLILAS Benson Digital Scholarship Workshop Series presents two scholars who work with digital archives on the topic of anti–Mexican American violence. Mónica Muñoz Martínez is a 2017–19 Carnegie Fellow and the Stanley Bernstein Assistant Professor of American Studies and Ethnic Studies at Brown University. John Morán González is director of the Center for Mexican American Studies and professor of English at The University of Texas at Austin.
An Evening with Two Guys on Your Head
Thursday, February 1, 6-7:30 p.m.
UFCU Room, Perry-Castañeda Library
The Libraries’ Spring Signature event features “Two Guys on Your Head” in a discussion about acting on creative impulses. Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke step away from the mic and into the library to consider what keeps people from following through on ideas, and are joined by Austin Public Library Director Roosevelt Weeks and Director of UT Libraries Lorraine Haricombe to discuss the role modern libraries play in creating environments for invention. This event is co-sponsored by Austin Public Library Friends Foundation. RSVP here
Exhibits on view:
Deudos / Death Debt: The Art of Eduardo Lalo at the Benson Latin American Collection (through January 31)