Perry-Castañeda Library

Frontside view of the PCL Library

About the Perry-Castañeda Library

The Perry-Castañeda Library (PCL) is The University of Texas at Austin's flagship research library serving both campus communities and the greater public, and featuring resources in all subject fields with the strongest holdings in the humanities, social sciences, business and education.

Perry-Castañeda Library Hours

Featured Research Guides

copyright symbol

Copyright Crash Course

Explore certain areas of copyright law individually or as a group

books on a library stack

Find Dissertations, Theses, and Reports

Guide to finding dissertations, theses and reports from UT Austin.

pen next to a calculator

Business Research Center

Find company, industry and market research resources.

angled photo of a printed page from a newspaper

Finding News and News Evaluation

Navigate print and electronic news related resources available to you through UT Libraries and beyond.

front doors of the PCL library

Perry-Castañeda Library (PCL) Self-Guided Tour

Take the Choose-Your-Own-Adventure UT Libraries Self-Guided Tour

Featured Spaces

row of cubicles and workstations

Scholars Commons

Includes the Data Lab, silent study space, and the Graduate Landing Spot.

The Scholars Lab Data Lab with rows of desks, computers, and individuals facing the front where a presentation is taking place.

Scholars Lab

Offers digital scholarship consultations on data cleaning, digital visualization, optical character recognition, research dissemination, and more.

students at computers

Learning Commons

Includes the Lebermann Media Lab, Learning Labs and the University Writing Center.

chairs with a vanishing point shot of ceiling lights

Collaborative Commons

Collaborative, group working space on the 5th floor of the PCL.

individual in front of a white board holding a mug

STEM Learning Spaces

A collaborative learning environment where students can go and get help in the core STEM courses.

coffee shop inside PCL library

Prufrock's Coffee Shop

Order coffee beverages and quick food options on the ground floor of the Perry-Castañeda Library. Prufrock’s offers hot and cold drink options, pastries and grab and go selections.

Our Collections

Map in a flat file drawer

PCL Map Collection

A collection of more than 250,000 maps covering all areas of the world. This collection consists of atlases, travel guides, gazetteers and many types of maps, including United States Geological Survey (USGS), navigational charts, International (World) maps, travel maps and items included in the U.S. Depository Library program.

book shelves with title of Poetry Center on wall

UT Poetry Center

The UT Poetry Center — home to the Ruth Stephan Poetry Collection — is a diverse collection of poetry unique to the University of Texas Libraries.

book shelf with chairs

Taiwanese Resource Center for Chinese Studies

The Taiwan Resource Center for Chinese Studies serves as a platform to promote and share Taiwan and China studies with the faculty, scholars and students of the university.

Perry-Castañeda Library


101 E. 21st Street
Austin, Texas 78712

Mailing Address:

Name of library unit (e.g. Borrower Services)
University of Texas Libraries
University of Texas at Austin
101 E. 21st St. Stop S5460
Austin, Texas 78712-1490


(512) 495-4250


(512) 495-4296