Zotero Essentials: Enhancing Your Research Workflow

Event Status
graphic for library workshop zotero essentials, orange overlay on image of students in workspace.

Are you looking for a method to organize your research in a way that integrates with your existing workflows? Learn about the options available from Zotero, a free citation management tool. In this 90-minute session, we’ll cover collecting citations from a variety of sources, thoughtfully organizing your research, annotating in the native PDF reader, inserting in-text citations and creating a bibliography in Word or Google Docs, and a brief demonstration of some useful add-on tools. This workshop is aimed at the beginner, but can also be a helpful refresher for the more experienced user. Registration is required for this virtual workshop. 

Virtual. Register here: https://utexas.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0rc--urz0jGdKjoL_0NCqCV1Itx_GL8e4R 

In this introductory session, we are unable to cover the download and setup of your individual system. If you’d like to follow along with the demonstration, plan to have the system already installed on your computer. Please consult this downloading guide and contact Hannah Chapman Tripp if you have questions about downloading.

Date and Time
Jan. 31, 2024, 10 to 11:30 a.m.